Oregon House Bill 2017 Keep Oregon Moving (HB2017) established a new dedicated source of funding for expanding public transportation service in Oregon that benefits a high percentage of low-income households. Keep Oregon Moving includes a new 0.1% employee payroll tax to fund public transportation. This funding source is called the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF). Basin Transit Transportation Fund (BTS) is the Qualified Entity authorized to distribute STIF Formula Funds allocated to Klamath County.


STIF may be used for public transportation purposes that support the effective planning, deployment, operation, and administration of public transportation programs including, but not limited to, the following:

·        Creation of new systems and services with origins, destinations or stops in Oregon.

·        Maintenance or continuation of systems and services in certain circumstances.

·        Planning for and development of a Local Plan or future STIF Plan to improve public transportation service.

STIF Funding Categories

STIF Formula Funds - The Formula Fund program distributes 90% of the revenues generated in Klamath County by formula. Qualified Public Transportation Service Providers (PTSPs)* apply for funding directly to Basin Transit Service Provider as the Qualified Entity for Klamath County. There are no match requirements for STIF Formula Funds.

 *A Qualified Public Transportation Service Provider is a Qualified Entity or a city, county, Special District, Intergovernmental Entity or any other political subdivision or municipal or Public Corporation that provides Public Transportation Services.

STIF Discretionary and Intercommunity Funds -The Discretionary Fund is intended to provide a flexible funding source to improve public transportation in Oregon. It makes up 5% of all STIF funding. PTSPs apply directly to ODOT for funding. A 20% match is required for STIF Discretionary Funds.

The Intercommunity Discretionary Fund is for improving connections between communities and other key destinations important for a connected Statewide Transit Network. It makes up 4% of all STIF funding. PTSPs apply directly to ODOT for funding. A 20% match is required for STIF Intercommunity Funds.

Transit Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee Overview

As the Qualified Entity for Klamath County, the BTS Board of Directors appoints an Advisory Committee to review potential STIF-funded projects and create a prioritized list of projects for Klamath County.

The committee meets at least two times per year or as often as needed to advise the BTS Board of Directors during an application cycle. All meetings are hybrid format, with a remote option and an in-person option in the BTS Board Room located at 1130 Adams Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601. 

Transit Advisory Committee for 2024-2025

·        Michelle Carson – Klamath Tribes Quail Trail Transit

·        Michelle Carpenter – BTS Finance/Grant Manager

·        Sabrina Garcia - Transformations Wellness Center

·        Jackie Reed – Spokes Unlimited

·        Jeremy Morris – Klamath County Public Works 

Transit Advisory Committee Resources



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